Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Vacancy for Project Assistant@ Panjab University, M.Sc. (Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Microbial Biotechnology)

Vacancy for Project Assistant@ Panjab University

The University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Panjab University is a premier institution of Pharmaceutical Education and Research in the country. The institute has covered a long and glorious journey of 76 years starting from Lahore in 1944 and finally settling to the present campus in Chandigarh at the foothills of Himachal. In its travelogue, the institute crossed multiple milestones and continue to head ahead towards the well-defined goals.

Applications are invited for said position for BioNEST - Panjab University at Panjab University, Chandigarh. The post is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project. There will be no financial liability on the part of the university, after the termination of the project. The incumbent shall have no claim whatsoever for the regularization of his/her services.

Project : BioNEST-SAEN- Use of agricultural waste (rice straw and wheat straw) as substrate for lipase production and development of an environment friendly and economically viable bioprocess technology for food flavor esters’ development

Project code - SAEN_04

Qualification : M.Sc. (Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Microbial Biotechnology)

Time Duration : Till the tenure of the project

Emoluments : Rs 15,000/- per month (fixed)

• Applications should reach on or before 15th October 2019 by E-mail: to bionestpu@pu.ac.in and the signed hard copy of the same be sent by post to the undersigned.

• The candidates shortlisted for the interview will be informed through e-mail or telephone or uploaded on the website of BNPU. For more details please check the website: bionest.puchd.ac.in

• No TA/DA will be paid if called for interview.

Dr. Rohit Sharma
Project Leader
BioNEST-Panjab University
New Hospital building, Sector- 25,
Panjab University (South campus), Chandigarh


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