Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Key to Healthy Weight Loss is a Healthy Metabolism

Your metabolism is the device in your body that determines when to hold on to fat and when to let it go.
In a quest to be healthy, it is easy to believe that if you do more of something it will yield better results.
Drinking more water, exercising longer, eating less calories; these are all strageties that seem like they would contribute to faster weight loss, but in reality, they could be hampering your progress.
If your metabolism is stressed, you will have a much harder time losing weight than if your metabolism is nourished. What will stress the metabolism? Practically anything can contribute to stress in the body.
It is not limited to stress you can feel- such as the stress from extra work or losing your job.
Stress can come from a variety of areas, including lack of sleep, emotional upheaval, toxins, allergies, nutrient deficiencies, pregnancy, and anything else that throws the body off balance.
The best way to prevent this stress from occurring is by identifying triggers that stress the metabolism and eliminate them.
In fact, there are actually a few “healthy” habits that will slow your metabolism, which can prevent the weight loss that you desire.
If you feel you are doing everything right and still getting nowhere, take a look at these “worrest” habits that may be destroying your progress.

Starving or skipping meals is really harmful and a very unhealthy way to lose weight. Your metabolism increases after eating and if you skip meals or starve, your metabolism slows down which actually leads to weight gain. It is an extremely ineffective way in weight loss.
Fasting is an age old practice often done for religious reasons. Fasting leads to weight loss but it is unhealthy weight loss and with this, it brings more health problems along with it including muscle loss. Fasting for the whole day and feasting more at one time will lead to weight gain. It's a myth that fasting will lead to weight loss. One should maintain balance in both fasting and feasting. Proper time gaps should be maintained.
We know there is no magic pill that will make you skinny. Pills like fat burners, steroids etc. are often used as a quick way for weight loss. But in the long run, they can severely damage your heart or brain. Intake of laxatives continuously can destroy your digestive system and can cause problems related to the abdomen.
Yes, machines help in weight loss but they help only in toning the body.  Machines are good as long as they are burning calories, For example, running on the treadmill will burn calories but electrical massage will just tone the body and will not cause any weight loss. 

Having unbalanced diets like mono diets, liquid diets, Fad diets etc. leads to weight loss but that is not a healthy weight loss. It leads to a nutrient deficiency in body and body will become weak from inside. It will lead to muscle loss.
Our body needs fat which is healthy fat which helps to burn fat. The zero-calorie trend is one of the most popular leading people to consume harmful artificial sweeteners in the name of losing weight. Diet cokes and diet drinks may not give weight loss.
If your body is already undernourished then over exercising can be one of the worst ways to lose weight. Sticking to a vigorous exercise regime is considered bad thing which won't lead to a healthy weight loss. By doing this you are torturing your body. Stick to a normal exercise routine. 
Thus, the best way to lose weight is by eating well balanced, nutritionally adequate diet with right portion sizes.

Follow a good diet plan and enjoy your journey to health

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